Monday, August 11, 2014

Adventures with two kids

Well I know you probably don't believe it since I've been MIA since Zoe was born, but we ARE surviving!! The adjustment phase is lasting a lot longer than my optimistic brain planned on it being but that's ok! Zoe has been a really great baby for the most part. She's starting to be awake a bit more during the day and is smiling and "talking" more every day. She sleeps great at night, usually about a 4 hour stretch at the beginning of the night and then eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. She doesn't cry at all at night so we are actually getting a decent amount of sleep. The evening however, is a different story. As best as I can tell she has colic (that mysterious and dreaded word). So we have nightly crying fests (mostly her, although I may have joined in a few times). Elias has had a bit of an adjustment phase as well as he gets used to sharing mommy's time. We've been having a lot more behavioral issues than we were used to with our usually complaint little man. All to be expected, but the combination of a demanding newborn and a much more demanding 2 year-old has left very little time for much else besides survival. I'm sure as the weeks go by and things smooth out, I will feel like we have a life outside of crying babies again! So here are some of our adventures with two kids!

First church day 
Lots of walks in the boba wrap!
Sunday night trip to the myriad gardens for water fun and live music (plus the best chocolate malt ever!)
Zoe's first trip to the zoo!
Lake fun with family

Sometimes your house looks like this...

And sometimes you let your kid jump on the bed with a bucket on his head...

LOTS of days this happens...(why yes, that is her brother's rain boot looming ominously in the corner of the photo) 

And some days, if you're lucky, this happens. 
And that's what makes it worth it. With all the good, the bad, and the ugly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Sibling love melts this mama's heart. 😍

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