Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Counting our Blessings: 2013

Well, I of course wanted to get this up sooner in January but, hey, 2 weeks in is pretty good for me. Last year, I made a list in my journal of all the good things and all the hard things from 2012. I really liked reflecting back on it this year and decided to share my list for 2013 here as a little "year in review" of the things God has done for us. I've divided it roughly into blessings and trials although there is a lot of overlap and even the trials are being worked for our good (Rom. 8:28). 


  • Baby #2! We are so excited to have this little bean! Before this year I took for granted the blessing of children. The reality of how huge this blessing is hits home now more than ever. 
  • The joy that Elias is in our home. He is healthy, happy and growing up so fast! We have been so blessed by him and what an easy baby/toddler he has been. He is a joy to be around and a blessing to raise. 
  • Another year of marriage. Going on 3 years…we're practically pro's (haha umm just kidding). This year was the toughest so far on our marriage but its even sweeter to have had conflicts and some low points and to see the grace and forgiveness that is given to us by Christ displayed in each other. Its not so fun in the moment but at the end of the year we can truly say that our love is deeper and more Christ-like. 
  • Great community of believers that are true friends and point us to Jesus. We are so blessed by our church and the friends we have made here in OKC. 
  • A year full of trips and vacations! I'm not sure how but we managed to get in more vacations, trips and getaways this year than ever before! We went snow-skiing, took a trip to Carlsbad Caverns, got 2 overnight getaways (baby-free!), and went camping a couple times, not to mention all the holiday trips! We are so blessed.


  • The loss of our baby in March. Definitely the hardest thing we have ever been through. But like I said, even in this there were blessings. Blessings of knowing God more, becoming more like Christ, hearing amazing words of encouragement from friends and family, and acquiring a whole new perspective on the gift of children. 
  • Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Although not really a life-changing disease, the symptoms surrounding the diagnosis were difficult especially considering the recent miscarriage. 
  • A summer of anxiety and panic attacks. Hoping to get a post up soon chronicling this journey a little more but, basically, as either a side effect of the thyroid problem or a postpartum condition, I suffered severe anxiety and panic attacks for a good part of the year. Through a combination of prayers, meeting with a biblical counselor, the thyroid medication, and time, I am doing much much better. However, even in this trial there were many blessings. I don't think I've ever experienced a deeper daily dependence on God. 

So that's a very condensed summary of our year! I remember saying this summer that I could not wait for 2013 to be over and that it was the worst year ever, etc. But looking back now it is already easier to see God's purpose behind this year. I would never have asked for it, but the Author and Perfecter of our faith knew what He was doing. 

2014 is starting off as a year of uncertainty and change. I can't wait to see what this list looks like next year! I have a feeling the lists will be long. :) 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Grandma got run over by a reindeer...

Yeah…not sure how it happened but that was Elias' favorite Christmas song this year…ooops. So much for being that great mom who teaches her kid Away in a manger and such. He loves the "grandpa song". 
Anyway, about Christmas…
I love Christmas! Marcos teases me that I start talking about being excited for Christmas in September…but I'm sure I don't start until at least October. ;) 
We got all the grandparent's trees up over Thanksgiving but we still had ours to do when we got home. This was the first time Elias was really interested or involved in the process at all and it was so fun. We just went to Home Depot and picked out a live christmas tree which he loved helping with.

 And then strapped it to the top of my little Kia. E was pretty concerned about the tree being up there but we all made it home without incident. 

E had to help with every bit of the process…

We got this train from my mom as one of E's early Christmas gifts and he absolutely loved it. That thing went around the tree a bajillion times I'm sure and he would just sit there and watch it. 
 And here's our finished product! I think I forgot to take a picture without the tree lights on but it was just pretty basic red and white ornaments that we thought looked good with the train.

Aside from decorating the tree we also did a few other Christmas-y things throughout December. We went to the Myriad Gardens here in OKC too see their Christmas lights/display. And believe it or not, they had a giant train track set up that took up a whole room! Remember, its train year. 

On our "Christmas Eve" (Christmas came early to our house), we drove out to Chickasha to see their light display which was incredible! We'd been once before but it was so much more fun with a little munchkin to enjoy it with us. He fell asleep on the way there so we had to wake him up but it was so worth it. 

He got to pet a camel at the live nativity! There was also a place to ride the camels and he may have partially escaped under the fence to "wake up the camel that's night-night". But daddy caught him. :)

He loved all the lighted tunnels and little houses you could go in and out of. He called them "Christmas houses".  So fun. Oh and yes we took him in his pajamas and snow boots. That's not normal? Oh well. :)

Then the big day was here for the little man! We got him a train set and table and of course put it all together Christmas Eve. 

And then attempted to stage him coming down the hallway so we could get it on camera. He was really confused about the whole process haha. 

But when he saw that train table I was so glad we had it on camera. 

 He loves it!

 I love this instagram pic. It just captures the whole moment for me. The tree all lit up and E and JoJo playing with the new train table. I just love it. 

Then we were off to pack for the weekend in Texas. There was lots more train fun to be had! Like watching the Polar Express with the family (while Elias provided the commentary).

Each family (cousins and all were there) got a lantern just like in the movie (yes, I have the coolest family ever). Elias called his a "lamp-tern" which was adorable of course.  

 Conductor hats…

We spent the weekend with my family and then were able to go back to be with them on Christmas day. So there were more presents to be opened!

 Gotta love him…

Plus I took my first official bump picture on Christmas day! 15 weeks! Time is flying already! More on our pregnancy story and announcement soon!

Christmas is still not technically over for us even though it is after New Year. We will celebrate with Marcos' family this coming weekend at a Souza family reunion since we will get to see his sister and her family there. I can't even imagine E getting more stuff! We are so blessed to have such a great family. And even more blessed to have such a great reason to celebrate this season!

Merry Christmas!

Thanksgiving 2013

The "holidays" are officially over. It's hard to believe. It's such a wonderful time of year but all the craziness made it a bit hard to keep up over here in blog-land. We are all recovering from the flu this week (no fun!) so while my boys are sleeping I'm going to catch up a bit on all of our holiday activities!

Thanksgiving seems like ages ago! So lets start there. We got to enjoy both sides of the family for Thanksgiving, making two trips to Texas to see my side of the family and then spending time with M's side during the week and on Thanksgiving day. My side has lots of traditions that we just can't miss out on! This year's "theme" was train so lots of our holiday activities revolved around that. Here we are building "gingerbread" (aka graham cracker) trains. 

And relaxing after eating way too much!

Then back to Okie-C for us where Elias got to spend time with his cousins and help Vovó (Marcos' mom) set up her Christmas decorations. 

Thanksgiving day we ran the OKC Turkey Trot for the first time which was fun (I think?). It was freezing and we took the boys in the bike trailer…what do you mean E looks miserable?

Yes that's the only pic I took…but I promise we did actually run. At 11 weeks the baby bump was definitely feeling that 5K but we finished! Then later we cleaned up and ate way too much again with Marcos' extended family.

Then it was back to Texas for more food and Christmas tree hunting with the Nelson side. We've yet to miss it and it will be a sad year that we do! There is lots to do at the tree farm and we love it!

Whew! And we haven't even talked about Christmas yet! Coming right up!

We have so much to be thankful for and even amidst all of the food, family, and fun, we try to take time to thank the One who has given us so much. Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!